About Us
Adami Global Pte Ltd is a specialist services company providing procurement and sourcing advisory to prospective hydrocarbon buyers and investors. With offices in the regional trading hub of Singapore and the production centre of Perth, Western Australia we are uniquely positioned to bridge Asian customs and business protocol with the requirements of producers be they independents, national or international oil companies.
We enable our customers with class leading capability through our exceptional people. We create value through rigorous due diligence and compliance screening process, in-depth understanding of contracting and verification procedures as well as regional competency lifting, terminal and storage procedures. At all stages clear and actionable communication is our commitment.

What We Do?
Sourcing and negotiating spot and term hydrocarbon supply.
We assist buyers, state owned and private end users to procure hydrocarbon supply by advising on procurement strategies, negotiating commercial contracts and trade finance instruments.
We support hydrocarbon buyers through their commercial and logistical operations that come with executing their hydrocarbon sales and purchase agreement. These could include operator notification and scheduling, shipping operations (chartering and clearance) contract management and resolution.
Contact Us
Contact Info
Singapore (Head Office)
Adami Global Pte. Ltd
Company Registration Number: 201905028K
Address: 1 Raffles Place #40-02 One Raffles Place (048616)
Phone: +61 424 824 157
Email: info@adamiglobal.com
Nigeria (Supply & logistics)
Adami Integrated Resources Ltd
Company Registration Number: 7017512
Address: 33 Main Street Federal Low Cost, 930272
Phone: +234 813 869 9628
Email: info@adamiglobal.com
Australia (Consultancy)
Adami Global Pty Ltd
ACN: 657 487 039
Address: Level 22, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Phone: +61 424 824 157
Email: info@adamiglobal.com